Wednesday, September 27, 2006

What are we on now? Week 5?!?!?!

I am trying to keep up with all this online class stuff, but it seems like I am always behind. Oh well, its the week thing that really confuses me. I think that every teacher has a different idea of what a week really is. Like one is Sunday, which is just great, one is Wednesday, one is Tuesday, and one is whenever she feels like it. I am sure just about the time I get used to it, the semester will be over, and I will have a different batch of teachers timings to get used to! What can one do?

So this weekend and week wasn't that bad. No allergic reactions, no near death experiences. So it was pretty good. I started my new job, not so bad. I think I will go back this weekend and try it again. It was nice cause I know most of the people I am working with.
Did I mention no near death experiences, I meant with myself, but the chickens on the other hand didn't fare so well. ( yes we have chickens, long story about a husband and two kids, another time i will tell you about it) Two of our chickens like to fly the coop and run around. Well I didn't realize that they were out and let the dog out to pee, and needless to say one of the chickens didn't make it. Do you know how gross it is to have to go out and clean up dead chicken 15 minutes before your children get off the bus? It was not fun at all. Damn husband!
At least the girls took it ok, and we didn't have to build a shrine or anything, like we did for the last one that died.

Other than that, I took the kids on a color tour to look at the pretty leaves. They had so much fun taking pictures and watching the deer. Oh the things we do up north for entertainment!

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Here we go again.....

Okay, now I know that I am going to start sounding like a complete wacko that has way to many things go wrong, but seriously this happens to me all the time.
So last week I had to go in for an employment physical for this new job. No big deal. I go through everything, which was fine cause the doctor was kinda cute!, and find out that I need a tentnus booster. Fine, no problem. So I take the shot like a pro, got my fancy snoopy band-aid, and off I go.
Here I am home, getting ready for our trip to the cities to visit the family, and my shoulder is sore. I didn't think a thing of it, it was a tetnus shot, they are supposed to be sore. Except not for 3 days. So we are in the cities, and here I am not even able to move my arm. Great! Off to urgent care. I figured I would go in and they would tell me that I was having some kind of allergic reaction or something. (Since the bee thing, I figured what was another allergy?!?) Oh no, not me, couldn't be that simple. It was celluitis. An infection of the fatty tissue. And if it gets worse, head to the ER for IV antibiotics! Just what I wanted to hear! Hear take some pills and it should help.
Well thank goodness, it has helped and I didn't have to go to any more ERs. My arm still hurts, but come on can a girl get a break or what?!?!?!?!?!?!

Oh yeah, and I still have to start the new job on Friday!

Monday, September 11, 2006

September 11th...

Now what kind of American would I be if I didn't sit down and write something about Sept. 11th.
Five years later, and as sad as it was, many people don't recall what an emotional day it was. But none the less everyone can probably remember where they were when they heard the news, and what went through their minds.
I remember where I was when I first heard it. It was 8:00 in the morning or so and I was dropping my girls off at daycare. I opened the door to see my daycare lady in tears, I asked her what was wrong. All she could do was point at the tv. At that moment that I turned to the screen, all I could see was the second plane hit the tower. Now that is a scene that I have seen many times since then, but I will never forget seeing it as it happened. The thoughts in my mind as I left daycare were all over the place. Will they hit again? Where will it be? Should I pack my family up and head north? That thought was all about the fact that up north was in the woods and why would terrorists attack the woods? When all was said and done, life goes on. It was a very sad day, and no matter where you were you will remember it.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

What a weekend!?!

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So this online schooling is new for me, well any school is new for me, cause I haven't went in 11 years. Online is a bit confusing at first, trying to get all the schedules strait, what is due when?
Needless to say I messed up my math in the first day, so that started my weekend out right.
We decided that we( being me) were going to have a yard sale with the neighbors on Friday. Did you know Friday was the only day it rained all weekend? And of course it didn't start until I had just finished setting everything out in the yard. So that was a bust, and back inside we went. On top of that I was supposed to be getting company that night, the house was trashed, one kid was sick, and my husband was really crabby! So once the rain passed I sent the kids to the neighbors with yard sale items to sit in their garage in case of rain again. My best friend came over to help me reorganize my house, and company showed up.
Have you ever felt so excited for company to come, but then when they get there you can't wait 'til they leave?
So, our company doesn't have children so we were stuck trying to find stuff to do that was adult fun, but still kid friendly. That's not as easy as it sounds. We went to an annual corn feed, that a nearby town puts on at a bar. That was fun, they do lots of stuff for the kids, and the adults all get to drink. ( I do not drink more than 1 beer when out with my children, just to clarify!) So that was great. Sunday we did a great big fish fry and had some more friends come over to help eat it all up. Then we did a bonfire for the kids with s'mores, and bonus the adults could have a beer.
Then the company left.
I was left with the clean up, the sick kid, the now sick and crabby husband, plus school work!
I think I need another weekend!