Sunday, October 29, 2006

How boring is this?!?!

I am a bit on the bored side this week. Now mind you that this is a good thing, because for myself sometimes being bored is a good thing. It usually means that no one is sick, I haven't went to the ER and no chickens have died. So maybe bored is a harsh word. Maybe I should use the word good, or nice.
I am trying to get the girls ready for Halloween. I am one of those parents who talk alot about making these fantabulous costumes, but never do. I usually end up at the store the day before, searching through the scraps that are left over at
the discount store. However this year I started 5 days in advance, so we are almost done. I am going to have a pirate and a reniciance princess. Fun fun! I am surprised they didn't want to be farmer girls and take a chicken around with them.
Chicken update. The dog did almost kill a chicken today, guess they got it away from her in time. But from all the excitement the chicken laid an egg that didn't have a shell. It was pretty strange looking. I guess that happens sometimes. Our chickens do not hide the eggs, they do lay more than one egg in the box at a time.
We carved our pumpkins tonight. That was fun, not! 4 huge pumpkins and some crazy designs. They are from our garden. And I guess they turned out alright!
Alright, maybe I will have something exciting to write about soon. Something like HALLOWEEN!

Monday, October 23, 2006

Behind a bit....

Well I guess I am a bit behind in posting on here. It has been crazy busy in life thats for sure. I am just getting over a nasty sickness that has been hanging around our house for several weeks now. I am hoping that it has left the building for good. All three of us girls were sick, and it was not fun.
My husband is now home for a month. It should be real interesting as he is not usually home for this long. Right now he is working at the Ford plant in St Paul, and usually comes home on the weekends. I have to say right now, because the Ford Plant is going to be closing soon, and we are a bit shaken by the whole ordeal. Well to put it frankly, it just SUCKS!
We just went through this last year with my job, and now his. But one always finds a way to get through everything. And the good part is that when he is done, he will be home forever. Although, I am not complaining about being husband free during the week.
Other than that, I am looking forward to hunting opener. The hubby is going hunting with his daddy, and me and the girls are headed to the cities for a weekend of relaxation with grandma and auntie. It will be so nice to just go and hang out.
Chicken update: We are getting 3-4 eggs a day from the dang ole chickens now. It is pretty cool. We have little brown eggs, big brown eggs, and some green eggs too! The girls are having so much fun with them. They can't wait until we have enough to sell eggs?!?!?!? I am not to sure about that, but we will see.
Alright, I have to go learn about bones for another class. Until next time

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Weekends, whats up with those?

I am starting to think that I should have just called my blog, Weekends! Lately that's the only time anything interesting happens to me. But thank goodness this weekend, didn't find me in the hospital, and none of our chickens dead. That was the good news. The bad news was that I have one child with pnenomia, one who turned 6 and a friend that was in a bad car accident. It never ends around here. We spent the day in the hospital with the oldest tuesday, found out she has pnenomia. She is feeling much better now, to my relief. My baby just turned six on thursay, that was fun! My friend that was in the accident did not get hurt, just sent to jail. Did you know that they have this law, about drinking and driving? Your not supposed to do that. He is very lucky that he didn't die or hurt someone else.
Alright I am done with the crappy stuff. The good stuff this weekend was the almighty birthday party. The first one we have ever had with friends. So it was a big deal. We had a total of 45 people show up. Out of that there was 15 or so kids. Lots of funs. It was a great day on Saturday, so nice, I was going to do games, but ended up just letting them play! My husband and I worked for 2 hours on the cake. A princess castle cake. Just what the baby wanted. We worked so long and it only took about 5 minutes to cut it up and it was gone.

I think that it was the best cake I have done yet. We do something like this every year for the girls. Hopefully, they will want me to do this forever!
Alright, I am done for this week....until then!