Monday, November 13, 2006

Oh my....

Well my parents are in town, they flew in from Vegas saturday. It is always an exciting time when they are in town. The last time they were here all my father did was complain about how things were done around the house. I mean, come on dad, I know I suck at housekeeping but everything? He even decided that he and my husband should get up at 8 in the morning and saw down trees. Now granted they probably did need to come down, but they have been there for 30 years. They did not need to come down that day. So needless to say we survived a very long 3 days before they left.
So before they came home this time, I made sure to set some ground rules for my dad. I know this may sound harsh, but 3 days of crying! Come on! I called him and told him that when he came this time there was to be no negative remarks, at all. Now maybe I didn't say it just like that, and he did hang up on me, but it was all good. One has to understand my father and I are very much alike. We are both hard headed, and very vocal. So this is nothing new for us. Anyways, they came home Saturday and instead of saying negative things, he decided to say nothing. He sat in his chair and dozed off and on. He spoke when spoken to and joked with the girls. But other than that, pretty much nothing. Now I am trying to figure out whether speaking or no speaking is better. Hmmm.... for some reason the no talking bothers me about as much as the negative talking. Oh well, he's my dad and he won't change for nothing. I gotta love him!

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