Friday, November 24, 2006

Oh turkey day, oh turkey day, the malls are oh so busy!

Oh the great joys of turkey day! I am very blessed around this time of year as I get to spend it with my husbands family. Now I really mean this in the nicest possible way. This year we traveled to the twin cities area to eat lots of turkey and sit around with the family. We ate way to much and laughed way to hard. Thats the way thanksgiving day is supposed to be. I do wish that I could have seen my mom and dad who live in Vegas, but seeing that they went home 3 days before I won't whine to much about that.
Now spending the weekend with my in laws is always great fun. You never know whether you are going to laugh or cry. However, I will say I lucked out in the in law department, mine are alright. I don't have one of those crazy overbearing mother in laws. Now she maybe crazy, but it is a known fact in the family, and no one holds it against her. She is however a young mother and is still years away from 50 so that makes for getting along pretty easy. We both like to go shopping, and hang out. We can easily spend the weekend together with so much as one fight. That is nice. My father in law is also a pretty good guy, he only makes me cry about 2 times a year now days.
We also got to see my brother in law and sister in law. It was great because they came over and we sat down to a rousing game of poker. It is something we do at every holiday, and this year I did pretty well and kicked some butt!
Then around 12am me and hubby decided to go check out the lines at the big stores, and see if they were that bad for black friday. We were thinking about standing in line for a cheap lap top, kinda a romantic evening of hudling together on the cold concret. I couldn't think of any other way I would want to spend time with my significant other. The lines had already started, Best Buy had a line all the way around the store, with people in big tents. So there went any ideas I had in my head about my quite evening for two. It was crazy! I can't believe that people will wait in line that long for a good deal. So we gave up that bright idea for some sleep.
All in all I have a love/hate relationship with the holidays, simply put, sometimes I love them, sometimes I hate them....

1 comment:

Jocelyn said...

I think most people are like you, in terms of feeling that ambivalence about holidays. I find that having kids helps me get more excited than I would otherwise.